Overlapping words

7 years ago
Hi there
On certain prints, not every time, every now and again I am noticing that there are 2-4 words in one place overlapping each other.
I can fix this by re-generating but sometimes I print not noticing until it is printed.
I have checked my settings and I am using the same settings as I always do and never had this before.
I have a photo to show if needed
Thank you
7 years ago
Please save the word art with the overlapping words and advise its name so I could check what is wrong there
6 years ago
Hi there
It is doing it quite often now and its very annoying. I have saved one where it seems to have happened on 3 occasions on the word art.
I have saved and called it 'overlapping words'
Thank you
6 years ago
Hi Alex,
Have you managed to look into this at all?

Many thanks
6 years ago
We recently deployed a new version. I've just tried to visualize the word art and the overlapping is gone. Could you please try to visualize now?
6 years ago
The overlapping does go if you re visualise but it is still happening on new word clouds I create - not everyone but at least 1 in 5. I then have to revisualise to get rid of it.
6 years ago
I've visualized the word art about 20 times and didn't notice any overlapping. Could you please advise what text you see at https://whichbrowser.net, so I could test it in similar environment?
6 years ago
You are using Chrome 58 on Windows 10
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36

If you need more examples of other word arts when it happens I can save them and advise you of their names if you want?
Thank you
6 years ago
I have saved another called overlapping words2 where it happened again
6 years ago
I have the same problem, it usually helps to change from chrome to Explorer but now its in both, named the cloud "overlapping" if you want to look in to it


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