Sharing template

7 years ago
I'm wondering if there is a way to share the template I've used to create a cloud so that someone else could use the same format to create their own? I've tried the share feature but it only sends a picture of the cloud. A coworker of mine wants to use the same format I created.
7 years ago
Place your word cloud to Tagul Gallery and share its link with your coworker. Then he / she can click customize button and make the word cloud duplicate to his / her account.
7 years ago
I'm wanting to download different characters? Like Olaf from frozen, hungry caterpillar etc? How do I go about getting a template of these? X
7 years ago
Hi Cat! You can use any word cloud you see on Tagul Gallery as a template by clicking on Customize button. Also you can search for images in the Internet and add any image it to your cloud shapes by clicking on the first tile in the Shapes section. Please note that you can't use Olaf from frozen image in commercial purposes because of the copyright.


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