Custom Shapes

8 years ago


I'm not sure how to work the custom shapes. I want my graphic to be 1172 px X 462 px.

I created a blank JPG in the size and uploaded it but it says the shape is empty.

Is there a different way to create a shape so my word cloud comes out in the shape and size I need?


8 years ago

Hey Bill, you would actually need to create a solid square with the dimensions you need. Once uploaded, your text can be applied to fill the area.

8 years ago

Thank you. Trying that now.

8 years ago


if you need rectangle shape with 1172 px X 462 dimensions here is what you can do:

1) Calculate aspect ration which is 1172 / 462 = 2.54
2) Choose square shape and click on the gear at the bottom right corner of the shape
3) Set aspect ratio to 2.54 and click OK
4) Visualize your cloud
5) Export it in PNG format
6) Downscale to 1172 x 462 dimensions if needed


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