Cloud words appearing sparse after visualising

8 years ago
Hi, is there an issue at the moment as a lot of my clouds that have the words looking perfect are all appearing sparse once visualised? smile
8 years ago
Hi Alex, I am still experiencing this problem an hour on (don't know if anyone else is). The words in my clouds are not as densely populated with words when I visualise them. It appears that the number of words I have clouds set to repeat is not working correctly. I only have a short window to get proofs out to my customers so this is causing me problems. Please can you update me on what this issue may be, thanks in advance smile
8 years ago
Hi MACY1969, Could you please reload your word cloud and try again. The issue should be solved now.
8 years ago
Hi Alex, yes, all good now. Really appreciate you always being available when issues occur like this, big thanks smile


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