All posts created by stewart_oswald

7 years ago
Ok. I solved it. There is also a slider once you click on "Background Color" and I moved it all the way over to transparent. I think the new coding is failing to check the status of the "Transparent" flag (which is located right next to "Background Color". May want to fix that but for now, I'll just continue to slide the Color slider all the way to transparent when I need transparency.
This was a little frustrating since everything was working fine previously.
7 years ago
I found the "Shape Transparency" slider, but it was under the "Colors…" section.
Unfortunately, I was unable to actually move the slider either way and it seems stuck on 0.5.
7 years ago
It looks like the EPS downloads are no longer supporting transparency. It looks like this change/bug has only happened recently. Please advise.