All posts created by gizmotron

9 years ago


I am finding that everytime I re visualise the cloud, the words change position unless I physically click on each one and slightly move it. Is there anyway a file can be exported to Photoshop for example with each word on a new layer?

I know this is extreme, but would be great to add personalised items, photos etc to the cloud

Many thanks xx

9 years ago

OK will do! Thank you

9 years ago

ah OK. It works if you save the cloud after each font is installed and leave the webpage. I have been able to add 4 different icons now from 4 different fonts, but I have to save & close the website down. On reopening it the last font installed can be used.

9 years ago

The name is Thank you - just a trial cloud. It seems to be able to use the first icon font, but no further ones.

Thank you for looking into this for me x

9 years ago

yes it theory, but they are just coming out as the actual letter rather than the icon the letter represents. Help!
Thank you x

9 years ago

Hi, is there any possible way to add fonts that are purely for icons. In theory I should be able to add any font I wish and then be able to use them as normal letters, albeit they add an icon. For example, using the font Animal Tracks or Butterfly Heaven (both fonts)

If not, is it possible to leave spaces in the cloud so that I can add them later in Photoshop

Thanks in advance x