Multiline quote

8 years ago

I tried searching the forums and can't find a post related to this, apologies if it's already been asked.

Is there any way to do line breaks to have a multi line quote so the lines stick together. I have some rather large quotes that I would like to break down instead of shrinking the whole size.

Let your dreams be bigger than your fears.
your actions louder than your words,
your faith stronger than your feelings

instead of long line of text
Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions louder than your words and your faith stronger than your feelings


8 years ago

Hello, you can't make input multiline quote directly in Words table but here is what you can do:
1) Enter phrases parts into words table. For example you want "Let your dreams be bigger than your fears" to be split after word "bigger" then you enter 2 phrases into Words section: "Let your dreams be bigger" and "than your fears".
2) Visualize cloud
3) Switch to edit mode and manually position / resize phrases to look like they are multilined
4) Visualize your cloud again

This approach requires manual work but this is the only way to achieve what you want.

8 years ago

Was just being lazy and hoping for an automated way ;)


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