Would like to move the design onto a dark color t-shirt, but the color words don't show up well

7 years ago
Hi - I'm enjoying your site, but have a problem. I originally uploaded an image (black scallop shell on a white background) and made a beautiful tagul word cloud within the black scallop shape. The transparency was turned way down, so the black did not show through the design. This looked great on a white t-shirt. Now, I would like to move the design onto a dark color t-shirt, but the color words don't show up well. I thought I could fix this by making a white scallop on a black background. I did this in photoshop, saved as a .jpg, uploaded a white shell on a black background, but the words go onto the black space, not the white. Help!
7 years ago
Hi Eshea, to help me better understand your problem could you please send some screenshots to the support email? Also please send the word cloud image file you downloaded.


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