Please Help Image keeps having edges cut off

7 years ago
I am in Adobe Illustrator and I dont understand why tagul does not work better with it. I can export for web and attach with artboard still it chooses to take the image surrounded by the bounding box instead of the whole artboard. The problem if I upload an image to tagul the bounding box always cuts off part of the image. Why and please fix. And for God's sake have a place to upload an image on this page like its the 21st century instead of having to have a link
7 years ago
Sorry frustrated smile
7 years ago
The problem if I upload an image to tagul the bounding box always cuts off part of the image
Could you please send a screenshot of the cutted off image to the support email?

And for God's sake have a place to upload an image on this page
There is the "browse" button above the link input field which you can use to choose an image from your local computer.
7 years ago
I see no where to input a picture still
Edited 25 Oct, 2016 21:21
7 years ago
I am talking about a way to import a picture here to show you
7 years ago
7 years ago
Cuts off nose and ears. Basically it cuts off anything that is to the edge of the bounding box in AI
7 years ago
Other then That Tagul is Fantastic and Out of this World
7 years ago
Could you please send the dog image you used to the support email, so I could check what is wrong there?
7 years ago
This seems to happen after editing the image in Tagul (i.e., changing edges and threshold), but not all the time. If you re-upload the image, it returns to full size. This shows how the imported image on the right (working image) has been cropped after changing settings. Uploading the image again (left image) shows the image as originally imported, uncropped.
Edited 26 Oct, 2016 12:34


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