All posts created by Alex

14 years ago

Tagul uses progressive scaling factor, i.e. small tags will have bigger scaling factor than the big ones. I've seen your cloud and must say that all tags are readable when highlighted.

BTW, you can use "open cloud in new window" item in the right click menu to zoom your cloud into new resizable window.

I know it is not much intuitive way to do this, so later I will make a fancy floating menu with this feature.

14 years ago

By design Tagul considers all the text. In order to get a tag cloud based only on the categories you should provide API xml that looks like this:

    <tag angle="0"
         font="Linux Libertine Regular"
    <tag url="" weight="18">money</tag>
    <tag url="" weight="12">tag</tag>
    <tag url="" weight="7">cloud</tag>
    <tag url="" weight="23">html</tag>
    <tag url="" weight="21">web</tag>

Later I will make the seamless integration with most popular blogging platforms like blogger, wordpress, etc. and then you won't need providing API xml.

P.S. It should be working fine with french language. Please let me know if something goes wrong.

14 years ago

1) Do you use the percentage metrics? If you do try to use the fixed one and watch your width and height attributes carefully.
2) For wordpress you could use WP-SWFObject plugin ( and use the following code to embed:
[SWF], 600, 500, id=<you cloud id>[/SWF]

Change <you cloud id> to the real id of your cloud that can be found in the embedding code, e.g. <param name="flashvars" value="id=1@14"> your id 1@14.

14 years ago


It should be working fine, could you please check once again:

1) Have you fetched your tags again after changing the links pattern?
2) What url you see on the tags tab?


14 years ago

You should be able to use URL or text. The bug is fixed :)

14 years ago


regarding the error message you got, it was a nasty bug that is fixed now.

Regarding fonts, did you manage to select any font's check box? If you do there should be no red error.

Please let me know if you still experience problems.

14 years ago

It is possible to export a cloud in svg format. Please contact me for details.

14 years ago

Thank you for submitting a bug.

I've just fixed it. There is no actions needed from your side, your cloud should have the background right now. If it doesn't try to clear your browser's cache and reload the page.

BTW, here are some tips for your cloud:

1) You can use$tag as your cloud tag link pattern in the core options tab in order to point tags to your blog search.

2) IMHO Your cloud would look more attractive if you use rollover box.


14 years ago

I don't completely understand what you mean under "link back to its source". But I am going to explain how tags link pattern works by example. Let's say you have a blog and if you want to search for a word "tagul" you use URL So your "tags links pattern" is "$tag" where "$tag" is replaced by actual tag's text for each tag in your cloud.

Hope it helps.

P.S. More fonts are coming soon!
P.S. I will appreciate if you give more details on "complete shape customization". What is missing there?

14 years ago

[Moved to Bugs forum]

Surely it works. Could you please try using fixed measurement in pixels instead of %. Also you may provide the link to the page where you are trying to embed your cloud, so I can see what is wrong.